Saturday, 30 December 2017

Months that make a year

Once I chose to chase the dreams that dwelt in my eyes,
I fasten my steps to grab that butterfly...
I crossed the icy roads with cold hand and heart,
It was Jan Feb and March that gave me a start..
Then came the months of April and May,
Apart from failures, I was happy and gay..
Not because it didn't matter to me or thy,
But for I had my loved ones on my June and July..
August and September were like Autumn and rain,
I shed the fear from the tree of Felicity and gain.
I walked little slow in October and November,
Now i was not alone but accompanied by many members..
Finally, Here it comes my beloved December,
Long nights to hold more dreams and beautiful memories to remember.

Friday, 29 December 2017

New year

I hold you for whole three sixty five days,
Now you are leaving with same similar ways.
You ended a story in tear,
Still I'll welcome you new year..

Thursday, 28 December 2017

चार लोग

फक़त चार लोगों के लिए कुछ यूं छोड़ गए वो हमें,
मानों उनकी ये चार रोज़ की ज़िंदगी उन चार की अमानत थी।

Monday, 30 October 2017

I learn from boredom

I leave my city when it is dark late night,
Making myself invisible from my people's sight.
I usually sleep before it stuck 11 on clock,
But on that day I keep my eye on railway track.
When you are working that too not in your land ,
You memorize the whole year holidays and weekend.
You often meet people who are sympathized with you,
You got to shake your head and think now it's nothing new.
When you get your same routine multistory tiffin in lunch,
That is the time when you miss your mother very much.
You realize the importance of little things that were once ignored ,
That is how you learn not to let go but to keep a hold.

Saturday, 7 October 2017


कुछ आरज़ू अनकही रह गयीं,
कुछ तमन्नायें दबी रह गयीं |
वक्त कुछ यूँ बदल गया,
तुम बस शायरी में लिखी रह गयी|

Sunday, 27 August 2017


I was resting in a solitary room,
Got a sudden knock at the door like 'boom'.
Some people managed to get in,
Plain faces with no any whim.
They started introducing themselves to me,
I'm Nirbhaya, raped brutally on chilly winter eve.
I was left with harsh bruises and mark,
Cannibals roam in my city, when it is dark.
I'm Junaid, a young chap with dreams of future and fame,
Got lynched by the mob, that too 'not in my name'.
Stories of many people left unsaid and went in vain,
They disappeared like a snowflake in the heavy rain.
I got up and opened my eyes,
Switched on the t.v and again hearing some more cries.
Wish I could see the India of my dreams,
Alas! Dreams are becoming nightmares and changing their streams.

Saturday, 26 August 2017

The story of evolution

There was no one in the beginning except Adam and Eve ,
They were blessed with the children
Named Indu, Sabastian, Asim and Amrik.
They told their children to worship none,
They were together with enjoyment and fun.
Days passed and passed the years,
Demise of their parents stuck them into fear.
To overcome this fear they portrayed an image of a Lord,
One called Bhagwan another Allah, waheguru and God.
Till then everything was normal, but after this ,
Indu was Hindu, Sabastian Christian, Asim Muslim and Amrik a Sikh.
They worshipped them accordingly with utter promoting,
Coz they knew, at the end of the day, they were all siblings.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Conveyance of Memories

I wrote our memories on the sparkling sand,
It sparkled for a while then became a dried land.
I conveyed my wishes through drizzling rain,
Sun appeared and it went in vain.
I confessed before the chirping birds,
They flew away after sharing few words.
Then it struck on my mind,
You need not to be bind..
Just close your eyes,
inhale the memories and exhale the sighs.
As worldy mediums are not worthy,
Connection of soul is the only urgency.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Daddy's girl..

I am proud that I'm born to you,
Like a little fairy, small and new.
You picked me up and brushed my curls,
I always wanna be a daddy's girl.
You held me high and hugged me tight,
I hope to lessen your worry and make you light.
You are always there whenever I fear,
I want to wash away all your tears.
You brought me up with all your efforts,
I would like to bring you all the comfort.
You never stepped back for the people what they say,
I will always stand by you whether happy or grey.
You are always smiling even if it is blue,
Yes daddy, I'm proud that i'm born to you...

Monday, 13 February 2017

It's me, A woman

It's me, A woman
It's me the broken heart,
standing by you, fallen apart
when i was born , people cried
i was welcomed with poor sighs
passing years,brought some fears
I was taught, every now and then
what to wear, how and when
they caged me whenever i flew
people were scary, world was blue
but darkness escapes when the sun shines,
its me the same now whose heart smiles..
i am not the slave,
to the people who say them brave..
there are two, framed by god
making them equal with no any fraud..
then why they call them a head,
both are equal, when it is said..
importance of anyone should not be perished..
freedom is life and it should be cherished.