Saturday, 30 November 2019

justice for dr priyanka reddy

We fail as a society,
Where a girl is scared of men around her.
We fail as a democratic country,
Where a minister of state blames a victim for her death, for she dialled her sister's number in hours of need instead of dialling 100. 
We fail as a human fraternity,
Where we'll not come forward to help, but come forward for candle marches.
We fail as a family,
When the male family members are devoid of basic ethics and the sense of humanity.
We fail as a part,
We fail as a whole.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

for my love's birthday

With all my mood, that swings so fast,
You just sit and hold, your heart is so vast.
Love is to walk with you, on the sands and hill,
It's just a spark in your eyes, with which my heart gets fill.
You're a sweetheart, you know this is why?
We laugh at each other, with not even given a try.
I want to roam with you to the path so long,
You're a love , for our bond is so strong.
On your birthday, I pray to the Almighty,
To bless you with all the good health and be prompting.
May all the troubles move away from your way,
Oh my love, wish you a very happy birthday..