Tuesday, 20 March 2018


रास्ते चलते जो तुम यूं पैरों से पत्थरों को उछाल देते हो,
लोग कहते हैं दिल का दर्द कुछ इस तरह तुम निकाल देते हो।
हाथों पर आए पसीने को जब हाथों से ही पोछ देते हो,
लोगों को बोलने के लिए तुम हज़ार किस्से नए रोज़ देते हो।
जब ख़ामोश होकर ताकते हो तुम उस ख़ाली आसमान की तरफ, बेवजह रो जाने का सबब उस आसमान को बेहिसाब देते हो।

Wednesday, 14 March 2018


Crack on the sky, lightening comes out,
Crack on the ceiling, water pours down.
Crack on the pot, it is all that drifts,
Crack on the window, Tyndall told you this.
Crack on the heels, It's a pain that you feel,
Crack on a coconut, I know it makes you zeal.
Crack on the mirror, it will indeed shatter,
Crack on the forehead, somebody said Potter??

Saturday, 10 March 2018


Far from my sight, where sky and terra meets,
I found someone holding infinity in his dreams.
An Infinity that lies between the soil and the sky,
To catch up things wherever they fly.
An Infinity that keeps burning Sun inside,
To ignite the self and glitter the rest abide.
An Infinity where dwells the Moon,
May be gibbous then crescent but becomes new soon.
An Infinity that is never stagnant or dead,
To carry on things together and move ahead.
An Infinity that holds the mysteries unrevealed,
To think about the things that were never conceived.
Be the change and hold it until you can resist,
For sometimes some Infinities do not even exist.

Thursday, 8 March 2018

International women's day-2

You are strength, you are power,
You are the petals of rose that sky showers.
You are beautiful, you are blossom,
You are a weather that is always awesome.
You are high, you are low,
You are the light that constantly glow.
You are patient, you are tolerant,
You are a hymn that dilutes the solvent.
You are nonpareil , you are spanking,
You are the one who is always thanking.
You are liberated, You are free,
You are You and you are Me .

International Women's day

इज्ज़त हो तुम इस घर की,
इज्ज़त तुमसे ही हम सबकी।
जो यूं बोलते रहते हो तुम,
क्या इज्ज़त करते हो इसकी!!
शाम ढ़ले तो घर आ जाना,
ज़्यादा देर तुम मत लगाना,
ये कहते हो तुम बेटी से,
बेटे को भी तो थोड़ा समझाना।
चलो ज़िम्मेदारी लूंगी मैं सबकी,
मां, बहन ,बेटी और पत्नी,
सब अच्छे से निभाऊंगी,
पर जब कहीं खुद गिर जाऊंगी,
क्या तुम सबको खड़ा पाऊंगी ??