Sunday, 8 April 2018

She taught him Geography

She taught him geography, for now he can tell her the way she moves  just like revolution and rotation of the earth and his heart starts shining more  when his earth bends towards the sun.
And the spark in her eyes is giving competition to the twinkling of stars and no doubt she wins, for this spark is constant and visible throughout the moonlight as well as in daylight.
She is like the gravitational pull of moon and his heart a mere lunar tide, leaving the surface everytime she is close to him.
She is like that air in desert and he is the sand, she makes him flow with her and they together make sand dunes of their feelings.
She is like the universe that tends to infinity, the more he studies the more he is obsessed and reluctant to know everything but he ends up creating his own big bang theory.
Yeah.... That's how she taught him Geography !!

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