Sunday, 19 September 2021


इक लंबा अरसा बिताने के बाद,
हर छोटी सी छोटी बात बताने के साथ,
मेरी डायरी के हर पन्ने पर एक नाम लिखा है,
तुझसे शुरू और तुझसे ख़त्म एक पैग़ाम लिखा है।

हज़ारों क़िस्से, कहानियां और तराने के बाद,
यूं झुकती पलकों को फिर से उठाने के साथ,
अपनी ख्वाहिशों को मैंने तमाम लिखा है,
तुझसे शुरू और तुझसे ख़त्म एक पैग़ाम लिखा है।

दरम्यान हर फासले को मिटाने के बाद,
इस धूप में ये तिशनगी बुझाने के साथ,
हर मयखाने में जाकर दिनभर शाम लिखा है,
तुझसे शुरू और तुझसे ख़त्म एक पैग़ाम लिखा है।

बेमुरव्वत इस जवानी के गुज़रने के बाद,
मेरी धड़कनों और तेरी सांसों का साथ,
इस जमीं और दूर तलक आसमां के पास लिखा है,
तुझसे शुरू और तुझसे ख़त्म एक पैग़ाम लिखा है।

Monday, 13 September 2021


इक ख़ामोशी सी पसरी है, दूर तलक सन्नाटा है
मैं इक अनजानी सी नींद ओढ़े, हर कोई मुझे जगाता है।

हर कोई मुझे जगाता है, बिन बात के हर बात में मुझे बुलाता है
वो जो भूला बैठा था मुझको,मेरे ही किस्से सबको अब सुनाता है।

वो किस्से सबको अब सुनाता है, शायद मन ही मन पछताता है
मेरी लंबी इस ज़िंदगी का, दो शब्दों में सारांश वो बताता है।

दो शब्दों का वो सारांश, मेरे दिल को अंदर से छू जाता है,
जी करता है रो लूं उठकर, पर ये जिस्म उतना ही जकड़ा जाता है।

जिस्म जकड़ा जाता है, रूह का साथ ख़ुद ब ख़ुद धुंधलाता है
कि अब सफर जिस्म का ख़त्म होकर ,बरज़ख़ ढूंढा जाता है।

बरज़ख़ को तो मिलना है, पर मेरा वक्त यही थम जाता है
ये जो घेरे बैठें हैं मुझको, हर कोई तारीफें क्यों बतलाता है।

अनसुनी सी तारीफें लगती, ये दस्तूर समझ नहीं आता है
ख़्याल आया सबसे पूछूं , पर अब यूं सोना ही मुझको भाता है।

इक ख़ामोशी सी पसरी है, दूर तलक सन्नाटा है
मैं इक अनजानी सी नींद ओढ़े, हर कोई मुझे जगाता है।
बरज़ख़- जन्नत ( स्वर्ग ) और दोजख ( नर्क ) से पहले का स्थान

Saturday, 26 June 2021

Lucy Gray

Secluded from the savvy world,
Inhabitancy in the hill top hut,
There lived Lucy Gray,
The fabricated tale of William Wordsworth

She was a nature's child,
Counting stars and going wild,
Passing through hills and lands,
She dwelled on moving sands.

Eclipse taught her not to remain same,
Moon or sun, in everyone's name,
Budding buds or dried leaves,
Scorched lips or dabbled feet.

The spying hunter would hunt one day,
What to live , to live in strain.
Extinguished lamps and that snowy way,
Lamenting the death of Lucy Gray. 

( Just a try to live the thoughts of the great William Wordsworth... )


बदलते मौसमों की तरह हर शख़्स के बदल जाने तक,
इस रंगीन दुनियां से हर रंग बिछड़ जाने तक,
फक़त तेरी मुस्कुराहट की चाहत के सहारे,
ज़िंदगी नुमाईश होगी, ये ज़िंदगी गुज़र जाने तक।

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

That tiny leaf (my first short story)

That tiny dried leaf was about to fall from the edge of the bud of that huge Banyan tree. Holding the color of dreadful night and fixing up the paleness of its inner self, that tiny dried leaf tried hard to look around it, like if it wanted to see the world for the last time , a world where everything was normal just like another day, may be the day was just another normal one but surely not for that leaf, perhaps it might prove to be the last day for it to feel the breeze , which was never felt like this before... the touch of that breeze may not be able to make it swing like it used to do but it does make the leaf go through a flashback, where it was young and enthusiastic. It started recalling its days when it was newly born, so tiny, soft and viridescent . 
As soon as it gathered all its senses it found every other leaf cheering the life, singing with the birds, dancing with the wind, drenching in the rain and shining in the sun.. every weather was a new experience.. a new life in itself... 
Time passed, it grew up with a fast pace.. now it has emerged as an adorably flexible and responsible leaf.. it has now occupied with the life generating process of photosynthesis.. now it can see new lives coming out from the buds and making the Banyan tree more grand and magnificent.. 
What to say about that Banyan tree...!! Banyan tree was indeed its mother earth... From where it took birth and now going to leave it to allow any other one to incarnate and go through the divine feeling of being living.. 
While remembering all this it never happened to recall anything about it's interaction with any weak, fragile and old leaf... might be it never bothered the young leaf... like today no one bothered about it being intact with the tree or to leave to get dissolved in another planet ..
With a deep aggrieved and cold sigh , the reason of being devastated was crystal clear.. it is perhaps a long, old and practiced way of living where the things are learnt with time but this is the thing that one realises when it is running out of time... and nothing could be done to fix it..
Now, all the memories were becoming fade and blurred enough to burry it in the past .. suddenly, a strong wind , which is also in her     
dauntless phase , danced like a winner, setting that feeble, discontent leaf free from the worldly affairs to cherish its amalgamation with the soil that once generated life for it...

Friday, 12 March 2021


Silenced sentences have always been my cup of tea,
No struggle of writing down, no worries of setting them free,
The tale of love and the fragrance of dove,
the more you hold, the more you're unable to flee.
If I tend to disclose the reason of this oxymoronic approach,
I'll blame You , for you confined me in your infinity..

Sunday, 14 February 2021


Day after day whenever a life shines,
Near, far, away, laughter and cries..
All the shades of red and blues,
Frozen mounts to melting dews,
I'll chose you over and over again, 
From the glossy cheeks to wrinkling news.

Sunday, 3 January 2021


Moments that make memories, 🙇💞
Just like a tale of magical fairies..🧚‍♀️🧚
The day was hypnotic with a tint of a fresh start, ☀️☀️ 🥰
Flushed cheeks were manifesting everything hidden in our heart...❤️❤️
It was all too much to handle and so much to flaunt..👰❤️🤵
This pair of year resulted in numerous thoughts...💭💭❣️❣️
My love for you is something that can't be binded with words,📒📒🖌️💞💌💌
It surely lies in a frequency above twenty thousand hertz...🔊🔊😘😘❣️


Let me drizzle down from the eyes,
Eyes , so deep,  plain and wise..
Wise, but not more than that heart, 
A heart which was caged inside said part.

Shackled in love and the mind that danced,
Danced hand in hand with threads intact..
Aloof from the world, let's live above skies
My world starts with you and ends in your eyes..

